Grief Therapy
Grief is the common and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. While we can never compare losses, any list would include death and divorce as painful losses. Other losses include retirement, moving, pet loss, financial and health issues, marriage, graduation, end of addictions, and unmet hopes, dreams, and expectations.
Grief is the emotional response to loss. The range of emotions associated with grief varies as grief is individual and unique.
The Six Myths of Grief
• Don’t Feel bad
• Replace the Loss
• Grieve Alone
• Time Heals All Wounds
• Keep Busy
• Be Strong for Others
Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on our capacity for happiness. Dr. Krempa provides a respectful, supportive, and confidential environment to look at beliefs about dealing with loss, to look at what losses have affected your life, and to take new actions which lead healing.