What can I do to prepare my child for gifted testing?
Make sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep prior to testing and has a nutritious breakfast in the morning. These are not tests you can, or should, prepare for as they are meant to measure innate ability.

What can I do to prepare for ADHD testing?
No preparation is required for the testing other than gathering information to bring with you. Because a diagnosis of ADHD requires documentation of difficulties in childhood, it is important that you gather any relevant information such as report cards, prior evaluations, or high school transcripts.

What can I do to prepare for educational testing?
No preparation is needed for the evaluation except for bringing the requested documentation (report cards, transcripts, prior evaluations). It will be in your best interest to be physically prepared for the evaluation: get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast and lunch, etc. The evaluation will consist of taking tests that were specifically developed for identifying problems in learning and that were designed to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in your ability to problem-solve novel tasks, answer questions related to basic reading, writing and math skills, and process information.

What is Psychotherapy?
Therapy refers to treatment for psychological or behavioral problems. Therapists and clients work together to understand and change problems by improving areas of life where there is dissatisfaction. The focus is generally on changing ineffective or unhelpful patterns of thoughts, emotions, and/or behaviors. Depending on your goals and the kind of treatment, therapy can be very broad or very specific in nature.

How long does therapy last?
Therapy is a highly unique and personalized process. Some problems can be resolved in only a few sessions while others can take much longer. Sometimes people stay in therapy long after the original concerns have resolved because they find it valuable. Others are satisfied with brief treatments and are welcome to return in the future. It is important to remember you can stop at any time. Factors affecting the length of treatment include: goals for therapy, motivation, severity and history of problems, current stressors, and other influences such as family environment and previous life experiences.

“Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.”