ADHD is a serious condition that is characterized by problems with inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity. These challenges can negatively impact school, work, and social relationships. Our psychological assessments can determine whether you or your child has this condition. We can distinguish it from the many other conditions that can mimic it, such as depression, anxiety, slow processing speed, reading problems, and working memory deficits. An accurate diagnosis is essential for effective intervention. Our assessments will have recommendations specific to you or your child’s unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses.
ADHD in Adults
ADHD continues into adulthood in about two thirds of American children with ADHD. Nearly half of these adults have never been diagnosed or received treatment for their symptoms. About half of adults who have ADHD also have some form of anxiety, and these adults often experience difficulty in their daily lives, as the combination of ADHD and anxiety symptoms can often lead to impaired function. ADHD can have a negative effect on relationships and success in the workplace. It may also be difficult for those with ADHD to focus on tasks or prioritize activities, and this may lead to missed deadlines and forgotten social engagements.
Treatment of ADHD in adults is generally the same as it is in children. Medication might be prescribed along with therapy, but often the condition can be treated without medication. Family or marital counseling may also be helpful when one’s ADHD has an effect on loved ones and family members.
Accommodations for Students with ADHD
It is important to be aware that children and college students who have ADHD are likely eligible for educational services and accommodations through special education or Section 504. These can include extended time on exams, preferential seating, or the ability to take exams in quiet environments. In addition, individuals whose condition is documented through a comprehensive psychological assessment are often eligible for extended time on standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, and GRE. Gaining access to such services and accommodations can be critical to meeting students’ educational needs and preserving self-esteem.
Distinguishing ADHD from Other Conditions
As part of the full evaluation, we assess for various other conditions. These conditions include learning difficulties, emotional distress, and auditory processing problems that can affect attention.
Our psychological assessments can also help you or your child:
• Improve grades
• Gain access to educational services and accommodations (e.g., extended time on tests) in grades K-12 as well as college
• Learn and work more effectively